Appendix 1207. Auto/boat/motorcycle/recreation vehicle/truck/construction and farm equipment service and repair.
The following districts LI, RCS, TRS, AG2, MA1, PA1, RE3, RE4 allow auto/boat/motorcycle/ recreation vehicle/truck/construction and farm equipment service and repair without salvage operations provided that:
Vehicles that are not disabled but are awaiting minor repair and servicing are not required to be screened.
Storage and service areas including disabled vehicles shall be screened from adjoining properties and road rights of way according to section 522.
Where wrecker service is provided, wrecked or disabled vehicles with current license plates may be stored on the premises subject to the following:
The maximum number of vehicles shall not exceed ten (10).
Storage lots shall be subject to section 538.
The following districts CFA, HC, HI, MA2, MA3, MI allow auto/boat/motorcycle/recreation vehicle/truck/construction and farm equipment service and repair with or without salvage operations as provided that:
Vehicles that are not disabled but are awaiting minor repair and servicing are not required to be screened.
Storage and service areas including disabled vehicles, of junked vehicles, dismantled parts, scrap parts, or other salvage shall be screened from adjoining properties and road rights of way according to section 522.
Where wrecker service is provide the storage lot shall be subject to section 538.
(Ord. No. 52-13, § 17, 10-1-13)